Download call to arms steam
Download call to arms steam

\Call to Arms\resource into your mod folder.

  • Copy over the desired PAK files & folders from.
  • "0.000.0") and the maxGameVersion should be the current version # (or higher)- e.g.
  • Change the minGameVersion to something low (e.g.
  • Change the name to match your mod folder name.
  • Copy the file "" from the Template mod into the root of your mod folder.
  • download call to arms steam

    The Steam Workshop won't allow those should you end up publishing this mod. Do yourself a favor and don't include underscores, dashes, or other special characters in the folder name.\Steam\steamapps\common\Call to Arms\mods. Many of the files within the PAKs are simple JSON-like text files and easily edited.

    download call to arms steam

    Or if you prefer, copy the files to a working folder, change the file extension to zip, and extract them. These are simply ZIP files, and you can view or extract them with your favorite ZIP app.

    download call to arms steam

    Data files that control a large number of game properties are typically found in the following folder: \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call to Arms\resource\.

    Download call to arms steam