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offers free software downloads to old versions of software, drivers, and games. Bernat said…Not an issue using splash, but it is a problem with the programs. The items I had pinned to my start menu vanished. Ir-tech said…I rebuilt my Windows image and tried again. Are you able to upload a launcher that has the splash completely disabled or do you have a solution? However, their Advanced System Care from them performs quite well. During our tests, FlashGet reached excellent download speeds. This caused some to label the software as spyware. It was initially available as either ad-supported or paid version, both that included the Internet Explorer BHO. To download a mac version of it for my new mac….unfortunately, they don’t make FlashGet for mac… It’s very likely that this program is completely clean. The portable program can be operated from a removable drive on any Windows computer, without installing. Fixed crash in Server file search feature when FlashFXP is closed while a search is in progress.It is possible to carry the program with the settings stored on your removable drive, and you will not alter settings on the host computer. Fixed crash in Calculate server space used feature when FlashFXP is closed while a search is in progress. Fixed crash after importing via the Site Import feature. Fixed dead-lock when importing invalid CSV via the Site Import feature. Fixed crash when importing invalid XML via the Site Import feature. When using the live update feature to download program updates the "run update" button is now disabled on click to prevent multiple instances of the update installer. I am a huge fan of the Vacca VI toolbar set. X3, Our graphic designer has independently released several new toolbar button sets for FlashFXP, check them out Installing toolbar themes has never been easier simply click the download link for the filename.ffxptheme and opening it with FlashFXP.

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The "Remote file listing" and "URL Clipboard monitor" were swapped. Fixed caption/option swap in the Preferences dialog > General > Actions.

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I have modified the code to exclude certain commands from the enforced timeout. While most commands enforce a wait time limit some commands naturally take longer than others and this has lead to some undesired results. Fixed an issue where some commands sent to the server enforced a 60 second wait timeout, when triggered the connection to the server was automatically closed.

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